A long silence has been experienced since the onset of the Corona virus. We have all felt the impact as consumers and business owners. Thank God that the wave is subsiding and the we can finally go back to basking in the sun to freely sit in their favorite joints to catch up and chill.
Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta announced on Monday that bars could reopen and restaurants could sell alcohol again as the rate of new coronavirus infections slowly declines in the country. That is awesome news for all and this brings life to the once lively places which had to remain closed since March.
Nipeplace is here to give you suggestions of where you can hang out and how to get there. We are your one stop shop for all your eating and dining and partying needs. You can have all the details that you need on the call on a button. You can shop around and call in advance to find out if they are now open and what Covid regulations they are following in a bide to keep safe. The reason you should call is so that you don’t find it closed or yet to open and could have wasted part of the few hours left between now and 10pm. No need to worry, we have their number. Just search their name or a keyword and you will get suggestions.
Some argue that the time is less but on the upside let’s be grateful the doors are open once more. Even as you go out, don’t forget to stay safe and we shall kick out this covid-19 enemy.