NipePlace as a platform aims to be the number one site for honest customers reviews and provide businesses with a online marketing platform to reach more customers while providing businesses with the much needed feedback through customer reviews. It also helps guide NipePlace users find relevant local information whenever they need the best restaurant, service or business to suit their needs.
Nipeplace is the place to give honest and guided reviews that are based on
- Truth and Accuracy
We encourage that what you write is truthful to the best of your knowledge. Give all the facts as honestly as possible.
- Independence
We must operate independent from the influence of the competition. You shouldn’t be used by the competition to create strife on the competitors business or gain their customers by demeaning the competitions value.
- Accountability
That is a cautious aspect to consider because NipePlace will not take any liability for the use of comments that will cause a lawsuit in the event of cyber bullying, unlawful comments or threats
NipePlace provides a platform for both the service provider and the clients to give opinions.
- Provide Verification
We encourage some form of proof that can be backed up. For instance provide pictures of the work and /or receipts, or communication thread